Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Leo Adams
Traffic Patterns and Directions
Before School
Students are allowed in the building at 8:25 AM.
Students arrive and are dismissed through the doors to the cafeteria in the rear of the building. Students load the buses in the bus lanes in the parking lot. Buses exit the parking lot onto Eagle BLVD.
Car Drop Off/Pick-Up
Morning Drop Off
Students should be dropped in the front of Adams. Pull into a single line to drop off students to walk along the sidewalk to enter the front doors of the building. When exiting the drop off line, follow the normal traffic markings (markings for left and right turning lanes) to move onto Eagle Boulevard. NO cones will be out for morning drop-off.
Afternoon Pick-Up – Cones Will Be Present
Double lanes are used for the afternoon. Pull into double lines and all the way forward to allow and wait for your child to get into the car from the sidewalk. Watch for students walking between cars. When exiting the drop off line, merge into one lane to turn right or left, watching for traffic on Eagle Blvd. Once traffic flow has eased on Eagle Blvd., cones will be removed to resume normal traffic flow (markings for left and right turning lanes).
Please drive slowly and carefully through our morning and afternoon carline to ensure that all our Lions are able to get in and out of cars as safely as possible